At Mend we take a family systems approach. Your family is an ecosystem.
When one member of a family is impacted by stress, trauma or challenging life events the whole family is.
As it turns out “self-regulation” even as adults is a ruse. All regulation happens in relationship to the significant people in our lives. It follows then that the most efficient and effective way to find lasting healing must be in collaboration with our “people.”
This is doubly true when our individual trauma is most often and reliably triggered by the ones we love most, which is how trauma works. Couples and family therapy done with a therapist who is knowledgeable about trauma can help family’s understand the root of their issues without falling into the traps of distrust, blame and isolation that trauma so often engenders. The trauma lens can help families come together as a team against the true enemy, not each other, not even the conflict between them, but disconnection itself.